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ziogas / XtScript script.php setup ( $url, $info, $vars, $syntax_functions ); } if ( strpos ( $this -> xt_syntax_plugins_directory , '/' ) !== 0 ) { $this -> xt_syntax_plugins_directory = realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) .'/'. $this -> xt_syntax_plugins_directory ); } $this -> xt_syntax_plugins_directory = rtrim ( $this -> xt_syntax_plugins_directory ) .'/'; } public function setup ( $url, $info, &$vars, &$syntax_functions = false ) { $this -> vars = &$vars; $this -> url = $url; $this -> info = $info; //reset vars $this -> cmd_list = array (); if ( $syntax_functions !== false ) { $this -> xt_syntax_functions = &$syntax_functions; } else { $this -> xt_syntax_functions = array (); } $this -> xt_syntax_state = array ( array ( self::XT_SYNTAX_NONE => array () ) ); } public function get_syntax_functions () { return $this -> xt_syntax_functions; } public function eval_syntax ( $str, $version ) { if ( is_null ( self::$started ) ) { self::$started = microtime ( true ); } $this -> version = $version; $str = str_replace ( array ( "\r\n", "\r" ), array ( "\n", "\n" ), $str ); if ( $version == 1 ) { //replace comments $str = preg_replace ( '#\/\*.+?\*\/#s', '', $str ); //merge multiline strings if ( preg_match_all ( '#\{\{(.+?)\}\}#s', $str, $matches ) && is_array ( $matches [ 0 ] ) && sizeof ( $matches [ 0 ] ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $matches [ 0 ] as $key => $val ) { $str = str_replace ( $val, str_replace ( "\n", '\\n', $matches [ 1 ][ $key ] ), $str ); } } $result = array (); $this -> cmd_list = explode ( "\n", $str ); if ( !isset ( $this -> cmd_list [ 1 ] ) ) { $this -> cmd_list = explode ( "[br]", $str ); } $this -> build_indexes (); while ( list ( $key, $line ) = each ( $this -> cmd_list ) ) { if ( self::$started + self::XT_SYNTAX_TIMEOUT < microtime ( true ) ) { return 'XtScript Error: Timeout.'; } $line = trim ( trim ( $line ), ';' ); if ( !empty ( $line ) && strpos ( $line, '#' ) !== 0 ) { //replace back newlines $line = str_replace ( '\\n', "\n", $line ); $splited = explode ( ' ', $line, 2 ); $cmd = strtolower ( $splited [ 0 ] ); $args = array (); if ( $cmd == 'assign' || $cmd == 'var' ) { $args = explode ( '=', $splited [ 1 ], 2 ); } elseif ( $cmd == 'include' ) { $args = explode ( ',', $splited [ 1 ] ); $args = array_map ( 'trim', $args ); } elseif ( $cmd == 'call' || $cmd == 'function' ) { $splited = explode ( ' ', $splited [ 1 ], 2 ); $function = $splited [ 0 ]; if ( !isset ( $splited [ 1 ] ) ) { $aargs = array (); } else { $aargs = explode ( ';', $splited [ 1 ] ); } $args = array ( $function ); if ( sizeof ( $aargs ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $aargs as $aarg ) { $aarg = trim ( $aarg ); $tmp = explode ( '=', $aarg, 2 ); $args [ $tmp [ 0 ] ] = common::get_param ( $tmp [ 1 ], '' ); } } } elseif ( isset ( $splited [ 1 ] ) ) { $args = $splited [ 1 ]; } $result [] = $this -> eval_cmd ( $cmd, $args ); } } return implode ( '', $result ); } return ''; } private function build_indexes () { foreach ( $this -> cmd_list as $key => $line ) { $line = trim ( trim ( $line ), ';' ); if ( strpos ( $line, '@' ) === 0 ) { $this -> xt_syntax_indexes [ $line ] = $key; } } reset ( $this -> cmd_list ); } private function get_index ( $mark ) { return ( isset ( $this -> xt_syntax_indexes [ $mark ] ) ? $this -> xt_syntax_indexes [ $mark ] : false ); } private function eval_cmd ( $cmd, $args ) { if ( !is_array ( $args ) ) { $args = array ( $args ); } $result = ''; $__state = $this -> syntax_get_state (); if ( $cmd == 'endfunction' && ( $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_FUNCTION || $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_FUNCTION_IGNORE ) ) { $this -> syntax_pop_state (); return ''; } if ( $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_FUNCTION ) { end ( $this -> xt_syntax_functions ); $function = key ( $this -> xt_syntax_functions ); if ( isset ( $this -> xt_syntax_functions [ $function ][ 'code' ] ) ) { prev ( $this -> cmd_list ); $this -> xt_syntax_functions [ $function ][ 'code' ] .= trim ( current ( $this -> cmd_list ) ) ."\n"; next ( $this -> cmd_list ); } return ''; } if ( $cmd == 'endif' && in_array ( $__state, array ( self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE, self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_TRUE, self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE_ELSE, self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_SKIP ) ) ) { $this -> syntax_pop_state (); return ''; } if ( $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_SKIP || $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_FUNCTION_IGNORE ) { return ''; } if ( $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_TRUE && ( $cmd == 'else' || $cmd == 'elseif' ) ) { $this -> syntax_set_state ( self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_SKIP ); return ''; } if ( $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE ) { if ( $cmd != 'else' && $cmd != 'elseif' ) { return ''; } } $args = array_map ( 'trim', $args ); if ( $cmd == 'assign' || $cmd == 'var' ) { if ( sizeof ( $args ) === 2 ) { if ( substr ( $args [ 1 ], 0, 4 ) == ' eval_vars ( $args [ 1 ] ); $args [ 1 ] = content_model::parse_xt ( $args [ 1 ], $this -> url, $this -> info ); $this -> vars [ $args [ 0 ] ] = $this -> eval_vars ( $args [ 1 ] ); } elseif ( strpos ( $args [ 1 ], 'call ' ) === 0 ) { $splited = explode ( ' ', substr ( $args [ 1 ], 5 ), 2 ); $function = $splited [ 0 ]; if ( !isset ( $splited [ 1 ] ) ) { $aargs = array (); } else { $aargs = explode ( ';', $splited [ 1 ] ); } $vars = array (); if ( sizeof ( $aargs ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $aargs as $aarg ) { $aarg = trim ( $aarg ); $tmp = explode ( '=', $aarg, 2 ); $vars [ $tmp [ 0 ] ] = common::get_param ( $tmp [ 1 ], '' ); } } $this -> vars [ $args [ 0 ] ] = $this -> eval_function ( $function, $vars ); } else { $this -> vars [ $args [ 0 ] ] = $this -> eval_vars ( $args [ 1 ] ); } } } elseif ( $cmd == 'del' || $cmd == 'delete' ) { unset ( $this -> vars [ $args [ 0 ] ] ); } elseif ( $cmd == 'get' ) { if ( isset ( $args [ 0 ] ) ) { $this -> vars [ '$'. $args [ 0 ] ] = common::get_param ( $this -> vars [ $args [ 0 ] ], '' ); } } elseif ( $cmd == 'get_or_default' ) { if ( isset ( $args [ 0 ] ) ) { $aargs = explode ( ';', $args [ 0 ] ); if ( isset ( $this -> vars [ $aargs [ 0 ] ] ) && !empty ( $this -> vars [ $aargs [ 0 ] ] ) ) { $this -> vars [ '$'. $aargs [ 0 ] ] = $this -> vars [ $aargs [ 0 ] ]; } else { $this -> vars [ '$'. $aargs [ 0 ] ] = common::get_param ( $aargs [ 1 ], '' ); } } } elseif ( $cmd == 'print' || $cmd == 'return' ) { $result = ( isset ( $args [ 0 ] ) && isset ( $this -> vars [ $args [ 0 ] ] ) ) ? $this -> vars [ $args [ 0 ] ] : false; if ( !$result && !empty ( $args [ 0 ] ) ) { $result = $this -> eval_vars ( $args [ 0 ] ); } if ( $cmd == 'return' ) { $this -> syntax_set_state ( self::XT_SYNTAX_FUNCTION_IGNORE ); } } elseif ( $cmd == 'print_raw' ) { $result = $args [ 0 ]; } elseif ( $cmd == 'call' ) { $function = array_shift ( $args ); $result = $this -> eval_function ( $function, $args ); } elseif ( $cmd == 'if' || ( $cmd == 'elseif' && $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE ) ) { $new_state = self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE; $operators = array ( '>=', '<=', '>', '<', '===', '!==', '==', '!=' ); //TODO: "AND" implementation $ors = explode ( 'or', $args [ 0 ] ); foreach ( $ors as $or ) { $or = trim ( $or ); $operator = false; foreach ( $operators as $op ) { if ( strpos ( $or, $op ) !== false ) { $operator = $op; break; } } if ( $operator ) { $condition = array_map ( 'trim', explode ( $operator, $or, 2 ) ); } else { $operator = 'bool'; $condition = array ( $or ); } $inverse_condition = false; if ( strpos ( $condition [ 0 ], 'not ' ) === 0 ) { $condition [ 0 ] = substr ( $condition [ 0 ], 4 ); $inverse_condition = true; } $cond_result = $this -> eval_condition ( $operator, $condition ); if ( $inverse_condition ) { $cond_result = $cond_result ? false : true; } if ( $cond_result ) { $new_state = self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_TRUE; break; } } if ( $new_state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_TRUE && $cmd == 'elseif' && $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE ) { $new_state = self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE_ELSE; } if ( $cmd == 'if' ) { $this -> syntax_push_state ( $new_state ); } else { $this -> syntax_set_state ( $new_state ); } } elseif ( $cmd == 'else' ) { if ( $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE ) { $this -> syntax_set_state ( self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE_ELSE ); return ''; } elseif ( $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE_ELSE ) { $this -> syntax_set_state ( self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_SKIP ); return ''; } } //must be true because we cached false on 'if' elseif ( $cmd == 'elseif' ) { $this -> syntax_set_state ( self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_SKIP ); return ''; } elseif ( $cmd == 'endif' && ( $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_TRUE || $__state == self::XT_SYNTAX_IF_FALSE ) ) { $this -> syntax_pop_state (); } elseif ( $cmd == 'goto' ) { if ( isset ( $args [ 0 ] ) && !empty ( $args [ 0 ] ) && strpos ( $args [ 0 ], '@' ) === 0 ) { $limit = 10000; $needed_index = $this -> get_index ( $args [ 0 ] ); if ( $needed_index !== false ) { $current_index = key ( $this -> cmd_list ); if ( $needed_index > $current_index ) { while ( --$limit ) { next ( $this -> cmd_list ); $key = key ( $this -> cmd_list ); if ( $key == $needed_index ) { break; } } } elseif ( $needed_index < $current_index ) { while ( --$limit ) { prev ( $this -> cmd_list ); $key = key ( $this -> cmd_list ); if ( $key == $needed_index ) { break; } } } } } } elseif ( $cmd == 'function' && $__state != self::XT_SYNTAX_FUNCTION && $__state != self::XT_SYNTAX_FUNCTION_IGNORE ) { $function = array_shift ( $args ); if ( method_exists ( $this, '__'. $function ) ) { $result = 'XtScript Error: Trying to overload native `'. $function .'` function.'; $this -> syntax_push_state ( self::XT_SYNTAX_FUNCTION_IGNORE ); } else { $this -> syntax_push_state ( self::XT_SYNTAX_FUNCTION ); $this -> xt_syntax_functions [ $function ] = array ( 'args' => $args, 'code' => '' ); } } elseif ( $cmd == 'include' ) { $fs = X::model ( 'filesystem' ); $domain = substr ( $this -> url, 0, strpos ( $this -> url, '/' ) ); $domain_path = $fs -> path ( $domain ); $path = $fs -> path ( dirname ( $this -> url ) ); foreach ( $args as $arg ) { if ( substr ( $arg, -3 ) !== '.xt' ) { continue; } $p = $fs -> path ( $arg ); $functions_prefix = ''; $check_owner = false; //Trying to include local file if ( !$p || !isset ( $p [ 'absolute' ] ) ) { //obsolute url if ( strpos ( $arg, '/' ) === 0 ) { $file = realpath ( $domain_path [ 'absolute' ] .'/'. $arg ); } //relative url else { $file = realpath ( $path [ 'absolute' ] .'/'. $arg ); } if ( $file && strpos ( $file, realpath ( $domain_path [ 'absolute' ] ) ) !== 0 ) { $file = false; } } //Trying to include other user file else { $functions_prefix = substr ( $arg, 0, strpos ( $arg, '/' ) ); $check_owner = true; $file = realpath ( $p [ 'absolute' ] ); } if ( $file ) { $contents = file_get_contents ( $file ); $cfg = preg_split ( '#\r?\n#', $contents, 2 ); if ( $check_owner ) { if ( stripos ( $cfg [ 0 ], 'exportable' ) === false ) { continue; } } $version = 1; if ( isset ( $cfg [ 0 ] ) ) { if ( preg_match ( '#version(\d)#', $cfg [ 0 ], $m ) ) { $version = $m [ 1 ]; } } $functions = array (); if ( sizeof ( $_POST ) > 0 ) { $vars = array_merge ( $_GET, $_POST ); } else { $vars = $_GET; } $orign_vars = $vars; $obj = new script ( $this -> url, $this -> info, $vars, $functions ); $result .= $obj -> eval_syntax ( $contents, $version ); if ( sizeof ( $functions ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $functions as $function => $code ) { $this -> xt_syntax_functions [ $functions_prefix .'@'. $function ] = $code; } } foreach ( $vars as $key => $var ) { if ( !isset ( $origin_vars [ $key ] ) || $origin_vars [ $key ] != $var ) { $this -> vars [ $functions_prefix .'@'. $key ] = $var; } } } } } return $result; } private function eval_condition ( $operator, $args ) { //TODO: support for more operators and more args $size = sizeof ( $args ); $args [ 0 ] = $this -> eval_vars ( $args [ 0 ] ); if ( isset ( $args [ 1 ] ) ) { $args [ 1 ] = $this -> eval_vars ( $args [ 1 ] ); } if ( $operator === 'bool' && isset ( $args [ 0 ] ) ) { return $args [ 0 ] ? true : false; } elseif ( sizeof ( $args ) < 2 ) { return false; } else { $arg1 = $args [ 0 ]; $arg2 = $args [ 1 ]; if ( $operator === '>' ) { return ( bool ) ( $arg1 > $arg2 ); } elseif ( $operator === '<' ) { return ( bool ) ( $arg1 < $arg2 ); } elseif ( $operator === '==' ) { return ( bool ) ( $arg1 == $arg2 ); } elseif ( $operator === '===' ) { return ( bool ) ( $arg1 == $arg2 ); } elseif ( $operator === '!=' ) { return ( bool ) ( $arg1 != $arg2 ); } elseif ( $operator === '!==' ) { return ( bool ) ( $arg1 !== $arg2 ); } elseif ( $operator === '>=' ) { return ( bool ) ( $arg1 >= $arg2 ); } elseif ( $operator === '<=' ) { return ( bool ) ( $arg1 <= $arg2 ); } } return false; } private function eval_vars ( $result ) { $result = str_replace ( array ( '\$', '\(', '\)' ), array ( '$', '(', ')' ), $result ); if ( strpos ( $result, '$' ) !== false ) { preg_match_all ( '#[\w\.]*?\@\$\w+#', $result, $vars ); if ( sizeof ( $vars ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $vars [ 0 ] as $var ) { if ( isset ( $this -> vars [ $var ] ) ) { $result = preg_replace ( '#'. preg_quote ( $var, '#' ) .'#', $this -> vars [ $var ], $result, 1 ); } } } preg_match_all ( '#\$\w+#', $result, $vars ); if ( sizeof ( $vars ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $vars [ 0 ] as $var ) { $res = isset ( $this -> vars [ $var ] ) ? $this -> vars [ $var ] : ''; $result = preg_replace ( '#'. preg_quote ( $var, '#' ) .'#', $res, $result, 1 ); } } } if ( strpos ( $result, '(' ) !== false && strpos ( $result, ')' ) !== false ) { preg_match_all ( '#\(.+?\)#', $result, $matches ); if ( sizeof ( $matches ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $matches [ 0 ] as $match ) { $res = $this -> eval_math ( substr ( $match, 1, -1 ) ); if ( $res !== false ) { $result = preg_replace ( '#'. preg_quote ( $match, '#' ) .'#', $res, $result, 1 ); } } } } return $result; } private function eval_math ( $code ) { $operators = array ( '+', '-', '/', '*', '%' ); $is_math_operation = false; foreach ( $operators as $operator ) { if ( strpos ( $code, $operator ) !== false ) { $is_math_operation = true; break; } } if ( !$is_math_operation ) { return false; } $init = false; $return = 0; $code = preg_replace ( '#\s+#', '', $code ); $splits = preg_split ( '(\\'. implode ( '|\\', $operators ) .')', $code, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); foreach ( $splits as $split ) { if ( !$init ) { $init = true; $return = $split [ 0 ]; continue; } else { $op = substr ( $code, ( $split [ 1 ]-1 ), 1 ); if ( $op == '+' ) { $return += $split [ 0 ]; } elseif ( $op == '-' ) { $return -= $split [ 0 ]; } elseif ( $op == '/' ) { if ( $split [ 0 ] != 0 ) { $return /= $split [ 0 ]; } } elseif ( $op == '*' ) { $return *= $split [ 0 ]; } elseif ( $op == '%' ) { if ( $split [ 0 ] != 0 ) { $return %= $split [ 0 ]; } } } } return $return; } public function eval_function ( $function, $args ) { $method = '__'. $function; $result = ''; if ( strpos ( $function, '::' ) !== false ) { list ( $class, $class_method ) = explode ( '::', $function, 2 ); if ( !isset ( $this -> xt_syntax_plugins [ $class ] ) || $this -> xt_syntax_plugins [ $class ] ) { if ( !isset ( $this -> xt_syntax_plugins [ $class ] ) ) { if ( file_exists ( $this -> xt_syntax_plugins_directory .'xt_'. $class .'.php' ) ) { require ( $this -> xt_syntax_plugins_directory .'xt_'. $class .'.php' ); if ( class_exists ( 'xt_'. $class ) ) { $this -> xt_syntax_plugins [ $class ] = true; if ( method_exists ( 'xt_'. $class, '__setup' ) && is_callable ( array ( 'xt_'. $class, '__setup' ) ) ) { call_user_func ( array ( 'xt_'. $class, '__setup' ), $this -> url, $this -> info ); } } } } foreach ( $args as $key => $val ) { $args [ $key ] = $this -> eval_vars ( $val ); } return call_user_func ( array ( 'xt_'. $class, $class_method ), $args ); } } if ( method_exists ( $this, $method ) ) { foreach ( $args as $key => $val ) { $args [ $key ] = $this -> eval_vars ( $val ); } $result = call_user_func ( array ( $this, $method ), $args ); } else { if ( !isset ( $this -> xt_syntax_functions [ $function ][ 'code' ] ) ) { $result = 'XtScript Error: Undefined function `'. $function .'`'; } else { $arguments = $this -> xt_syntax_functions [ $function ][ 'args' ]; foreach ( $arguments as $key => $val ) { if ( isset ( $args [ $key ] ) ) { $arguments [ $key ] = $this -> eval_vars ( $args [ $key ] ); } } $vars = array_merge ( $this -> vars, $arguments ); $obj = new script ( $this -> url, $this -> info, $vars, $this -> xt_syntax_functions ); $result = $obj -> eval_syntax ( $this -> xt_syntax_functions [ $function ][ 'code' ], $this -> version ); } } return $result; } private function syntax_push_state ( $state ) { array_push ( $this -> xt_syntax_state, $state ); } private function syntax_pop_state () { return array_pop ( $this -> xt_syntax_state ); } private function syntax_set_state ( $state ) { $this -> syntax_pop_state (); $this -> syntax_push_state ( $state ); } private function syntax_get_state () { return end ( $this -> xt_syntax_state ); } private function __dump_vars ( $args ) { $result = null; $tmp = $this -> vars; unset ( $tmp [ '___p' ] ); if ( empty ( $tmp [ 'code' ] ) ) { unset ( $tmp [ 'code' ] ); } $result = '
'. print_r ( $tmp, true ) .'
'; return $result; } private function __dump_functions ( $args ) { $result = '
'. print_r ( array_keys ( $this -> xt_syntax_functions ), true ) .'
'; return $result; } private function __args ( $args ) { return '
'. print_r ( $args, true ) .'
'; } private function __execution_time ( $args ) { return number_format ( ( ( microtime ( true ) - self::$started ) / 1000 ) , 6, '.', '' ) .'s.'; } private function __get_variable ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$name' ] ) ) { return ''; } $args [ '$name' ] = str_replace ( '$', '$', $args [ '$name' ] ); return isset ( $this -> vars [ $args [ '$name' ] ] ) ? $this -> vars [ $args [ '$name' ] ] : ''; } private function __urlencode ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return urlencode ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __urldecode ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return urldecode ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __rawurlencode ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return rawurlencode ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __rawurldecode ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return rawurldecode ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __source ( $args ) { return $this -> __file_get_contents ( $args ); } private function __file_get_contents ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$file' ] ) ) { return ''; } $fs = X::model ( 'filesystem' ); $domain = substr ( $this -> url, 0, strpos ( $this -> url, '/' ) ); $domain_path = $fs -> path ( $domain ); $path = $fs -> path ( dirname ( $this -> url ) ); $file = realpath ( $path [ 'absolute' ] .'/'. ltrim ( $args [ '$file' ], '/' ) ); $return = ''; //TODO: remove realpath checks if ( $file && strpos ( $file, realpath ( $domain_path [ 'absolute' ] ) ) === 0 ) { $return = file_get_contents ( $file ); if ( isset ( $args [ '$html_safe' ] ) && $args [ '$html_safe' ] ) { $return = htmlspecialchars ( $return ); } if ( isset ( $args [ '$nl2br' ] ) && $args [ '$nl2br' ] ) { $return = nl2br ( $return ); } if ( isset ( $args [ '$space2nbsp' ] ) ) { $return = str_replace ( ' ', '  ', $return ); } } return $return; } //String functions private function __chr ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return chr ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __ord ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return ord ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __crc32 ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return crc32 ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __md5 ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return md5 ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __sha1 ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return sha1 ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __base64_encode ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return base64_encode ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __base64_decode ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return base64_decode ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __bin2hex ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return bin2hex ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __hex2bin ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } if ( !function_exists ( 'hex2bin' ) ) { $len = strlen ( $args [ '$val' ] ); $bin = ''; $i = 0; do { $bin .= chr ( hexdec ( $args [ '$val' ]{$i} . $args [ '$val' ]{( $i + 1 )} ) ); $i += 2; } while ( $i < $len ); return $bin; } else { return hex2bin ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } } private function __hexdec ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return hexdec ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __dechex ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return dechex ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __htmlspecialchars ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } $flags = defined ( 'ENT_HTML401' ) ? ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 : ENT_COMPAT; if ( isset ( $args [ '$flags' ] ) && defined ( $args [ '$flags' ] ) ) { $flags = constant ( $args [ '$flags' ] ); } return htmlspecialchars ( $args [ '$val' ], $flags, common::get_param ( $args [ '$encoding' ], 'UTF-8' ), common::get_param ( $args [ '$double_encode' ], true ) ); } private function __lcfirst ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return lcfirst ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __ucfirst ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return ucfirst ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __ucwords ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return ucwords ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __strtoupper ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return function_exists ( 'mb_strtoupper' ) ? mb_strtoupper ( $args [ '$val' ] ) : strtoupper ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __strtolower ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return function_exists ( 'mb_strtolower' ) ? mb_strtolower ( $args [ '$val' ] ) : strtolower ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __trim ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return trim ( $args [ '$val' ], common::get_param ( $args [ '$charlist' ], " \t\n\r\0\0B" ) ); } private function __ltrim ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return ltrim ( $args [ '$val' ], common::get_param ( $args [ '$charlist' ], " \t\n\r\0\0B" ) ); } private function __rtrim ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return rtrim ( $args [ '$val' ], common::get_param ( $args [ '$charlist' ], " \t\n\r\0\0B" ) ); } private function __nl2br ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return nl2br ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __br2nl ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return str_replace ( array ( '
', '
', '
' ), array ( "\n", "\n", "\n" ), $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __str_replace ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$subject' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$replace' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$search' ] ) ) { return ''; } return str_replace ( $args [ '$search' ], $args [ '$replace' ], $args [ '$subject' ] ); } private function __str_ireplace ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$subject' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$replace' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$search' ] ) ) { return ''; } return str_ireplace ( $args [ '$search' ], $args [ '$replace' ], $args [ '$subject' ] ); } private function __str_pad ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$pad_length' ] ) ) { return ''; } $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT; if ( isset ( $args [ '$pad_type' ] ) && defined ( $args [ '$pad_type' ] ) ) { $pad_type = constant ( $args [ '$pad_type' ] ); } return str_pad ( $args [ '$val' ], $args [ '$pad_length' ], common::get_param ( $args [ '$pad_string' ], ' ' ), $pad_type ); } private function __str_repeat ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$multiplier' ] ) ) { return ''; } return str_repeat ( $args [ '$val' ], $args [ '$multiplier' ] ); } private function __str_shuffle ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return str_shuffle ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __strip_tags ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return strip_tags ( $args [ '$val' ], common::get_param ( $args [ '$allowable_tags' ], '' ) ); } private function __addslashes ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return addslashes ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __stripslashes ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return stripslashes ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __strpos ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$needle' ] ) ) { return ''; } $offset = ( int ) common::get_param ( $args [ '$offset' ], 0 ); if ( $offset > strlen ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) ) { $offset = 0; } return strpos ( ( string ) $args [ '$haystack' ], ( string ) $args [ '$needle' ], $offset ); } private function __strrpos ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$needle' ] ) ) { return ''; } $offset = ( int ) common::get_param ( $args [ '$offset' ], 0 ); if ( $offset > strlen ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) ) { $offset = 0; } return strrpos ( ( string ) $args [ '$haystack' ], ( string ) $args [ '$needle' ], $offset ); } private function __stripos ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$needle' ] ) ) { return ''; } $offset = ( int ) common::get_param ( $args [ '$offset' ], 0 ); if ( $offset > strlen ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) ) { $offset = 0; } return stripos ( ( string ) $args [ '$haystack' ], ( string ) $args [ '$needle' ], $offset ); } private function __strripos ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$needle' ] ) ) { return ''; } $offset = ( int ) common::get_param ( $args [ '$offset' ], 0 ); if ( $offset > strlen ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) ) { $offset = 0; } return strripos ( ( string ) $args [ '$haystack' ], ( string ) $args [ '$needle' ], $offset ); } private function __strstr ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$needle' ] ) || empty ( $args [ '$needle' ] ) ) { return ''; } return strstr ( ( string ) $args [ '$haystack' ], ( string ) $args [ '$needle' ], common::get_param ( $args [ '$before_needle' ], false ) ); } private function __stristr ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$needle' ] ) || empty ( $args [ '$needle' ] ) ) { return ''; } return stristr ( ( string ) $args [ '$haystack' ], ( string ) $args [ '$needle' ], common::get_param ( $args [ '$before_needle' ], false ) ); } private function __strrchr ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$haystack' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$needle' ] ) ) { return ''; } return strrchr ( ( string ) $args [ '$haystack' ], ( string ) $args [ '$needle' ] ); } private function __strrev ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return strrev ( ( string ) $args [ '$val' ] ); } private function __substr ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$start' ] ) ) { return ''; } if ( isset ( $args [ '$length' ] ) ) { $args [ '$length' ] = ( int ) $args [ '$length' ]; return substr ( ( string ) $args [ '$val' ], ( int ) $args [ '$start' ], $args [ '$length' ] ); } return substr ( ( string ) $args [ '$val' ], ( int ) $args [ '$start' ] ); } private function __strlen ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$val' ] ) ) { return ''; } return function_exists ( 'mb_strlen' ) ? mb_strlen ( $args [ '$val' ] ) : strlen ( $args [ '$val' ] ); } //Math private function __abs ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$num' ] ) ) { return ''; } return abs ( $args [ '$num' ] ); } private function __ceil ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$num' ] ) ) { return ''; } return ceil ( $args [ '$num' ] ); } private function __floor ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$num' ] ) ) { return ''; } return floor ( $args [ '$num' ] ); } private function __round ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$num' ] ) ) { return ''; } $mode = PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP; if ( isset ( $args [ '$mode' ] ) && defined ( $args [ '$mode' ] ) ) { $mode = constant ( $args [ '$mode' ] ); } return round ( $args [ '$num' ], common::get_param ( $args [ '$precision' ], 0 ), $mode ); } private function __mt_rand ( $args ) { return mt_rand ( common::get_param ( $args [ '$min' ], null ), common::get_param ( $args [ '$max' ], null ) ); } private function __pi ( $args ) { return pi (); } private function __pow ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$num' ] ) || !isset ( $args [ '$exp' ] ) ) { return ''; } return pow ( $args [ '$num' ], $args [ '$exp' ] ); } private function __sqrt ( $args ) { if ( !isset ( $args [ '$num' ] ) ) { return ''; } return sqrt ( $args [ '$num' ] ); } } class SyntaxException extends Exception { public function errorMessage ( $syntax, $e ) { $line = key ( $syntax -> cmd_list ) - 1; return 'XtScript Error on line '. $line .':
'. $syntax -> cmd_list [ $line ]; } }
Ring ring